Phoneboard v1.9.0 || Essential Free Tool || For iPhone Schematic Diagrams
Phoneboard v1.9.0, a free tool designed for viewing detailed schematic diagrams for iPhone devices. This tool provides insights into various components on a phone’s board, helping you accurately understand, repair, and troubleshoot hardware issues. Created by the PhoneBoard GSM team, Phoneboard v1.9.0 is built for Windows operating systems, supporting Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10, in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Here, we’ll explore the features, improvements, and usage steps for this helpful software.

Key Features of Phoneboard v1.9.0:
The software runs seamlessly on Windows systems, including older versions like Windows XP and Vista, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems, ensuring it works on most computers.
Detailed Schematic Diagrams:
Phoneboard v1.9.0 includes comprehensive schematic diagrams of various iPhone models, covering components on the motherboard.
It’s designed to assist technicians and users in identifying issues or misplaced components, essential for repair and diagnostic purposes.
Error Corrections in Component Naming:
The developers of Phoneboard v1.9.0 have actively addressed and corrected various component naming errors to enhance the software’s accuracy.
With each update, reported issues like misspelled component codes and incorrect placements have been fixed, contributing to more reliable troubleshooting.
Notable Component Name Corrections:
For better clarity, here’s a summary of the corrected component names and placements in Phoneboard v1.9.0 across several iPhone models:
- iPhone 6 (820-3486-A): Corrections include components like C1271 (misspelled as R1271_RF) and R5316_RF (previously labeled as R5216_RF).
- iPhone 6 Plus (820-3675-A): Adjustments were made to components such as C0721-2, which was previously named C0721-1, and Net BATTERY_SWI, which was labeled incorrectly as BAATTERY_SWI.
- iPhone 6S Plus (820-00040-A): Specific pins in components like UTRIP_RF and U_VOX_RF have been reshaped to reflect square configurations, improving the accuracy of the schematic.
- iPhone 7 (820-00188-08): SE2LDO_RF, originally misspelled as SE2LD0_RF, has been corrected for consistency and precision in diagrams.
- These changes, reported by users and technicians, highlight the Phoneboard GSM team’s dedication to maintaining an accurate tool for iPhone repairs.
Added Features and Improvements:
To enhance usability, several new features were added in Phoneboard v1.9.0, making it even more comprehensive for repair work:
- macOS Add Menu: An additional menu was added specifically for macOS support, improving user accessibility.
- IC Mark Additions: New IC (integrated circuit) marks were added to the following iPhone models:
- iPhone 6 (820-3486-A)
- iPhone 6 Plus (820-3675-A)
- iPhone 6S (820-5507-A)
- iPhone 6S Plus
- iPhone 7 (820-00188-08)
These IC marks provide a more detailed view of specific components, making it easier to identify and work with them on the board.
Info. | Details |
Tool Name: | Phoneboard v1.9.0 |
Version: | 2024 |
Password: | Free |
File Size: | 75. MB |
Files Hosted By: | |
Phoneboard v1.9.0 is an essential tool for technicians working with iPhones, especially those in the repair industry. The tool’s comprehensive schematic diagrams and corrected component labels provide clarity, which makes repairs and troubleshooting much more manageable. The added IC markers and shape corrections in this version make it even more valuable, ensuring that users get accurate information about their devices. By following the simple installation process, you can begin using Phoneboard v1.9.0 to gain complete insight into the internal structure of iPhones, leading to efficient and accurate repairs.
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Post Created By: Uzair Ch